22 Mar Sadie turns ONE!
It’s always great to photograph clients for milestones in their life, it’s even better when you see the same families throughout the years. Last year I photographed Sadie when she was just two weeks old . She is now a big girl and is turning one. Sadie is a little fashion diva that is just full of smiles. Her mom brought several outfits for her for the session that were simply just adorable. Love that we were able to have so many outfits to photograph her in. Sadie is not walking yet so I brought a chair to have her hold on to or sit in and she was just all smiles the whole time. Check out the cute adorable Sadie.
Here she is last year at two weeks old. I just love this photo of her father holding her.
Not all outfits went over so well. This is the only time she got upset.