20 Feb Lionscrest Manor Winter Wedding
A little over a week ago I had the pleasure to photograph Susan & Elliott’s winter wedding at Lionscrest Manor. Since there was still a lot of snow on the ground the ceremony was inside, but we did make it outside for some photos with the bride and groom. Kammi usually photographs with me at all the weddings, but since she just gave birth to our beautiful daughter Trinity 3 weeks ago she stayed home. I was able to have a great friend and seasoned pro Erin Cady from Art & Soul photograph with me.
There is a series of photos in this post of Susan laughing that I just love, we had her cracking up and getting her mind off things during a minor repair of her flowers. Also, Susan & Elliot’s first dance was just incredibly emotional. They pulled the whole room in with them as they danced. It was a beautiful thing to witness. Erin and I have photographed hundreds of weddings over the years and have seen many first dances. We both thought the same thing after they danced.