11 Nov Wedding Rings
We were recently asked by an wedding blog to feature some of our wedding ring photos. Their site With This Ring is dedicated only to wedding rings. Yes, just wedding rings. This isn’t a site dedicated to ad of rings, this is from photographers all over, showing their rings shots from the day of a wedding. There are so many amazing photographers out there creating such epic photos with couples wedding rings. It’s only natural to feature a whole website dedicated to real wedding rings. It’s almost as important as getting the bride and the groom photos on their wedding day. How important is the ring photos? Most photographers out there buy one speciality lens called a Macro lens to get the closeup details of the rings. Typical price for this speciality lens is about $900. That’s $900 for one lens to use during a wedding just to photograph the rings and thats it.
One thing I always ask my clients is to tell me is their story of the proposal. There are so many great, epic, funny, and creative stories of how the proposal went. I never get tired of hearing them. There is probably a blog out there just on proposals too.
With that being said, we were excited and honored that wtring.com contacted us to use several of our images. Which brings me to this post. I have never done a blog post just about wedding rings, and now because of them I am. There are so many different types of rings out there that I thought I would share all of our clients wedding rings from this past year. Enjoy the photos and have a great weekend.
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